The sage stared blankly as he tried to bring up more insults to faze him. To be frank, it might have worked if it wasn't for the stuttering and freaking out that took place around the end of it all. [color=fff79a]"Well, if it isn't obvious...?"[/color] The sage grinned "[color=fff79a]You are not looking too great yourself. I did manage to stab that nice hole in your chest after all."[/color] The sage began to slowly approach Dacer overcharging the wind cannon in his right gauntlet while pointing his sword blade from his left gauntlet towards him. [color=fff79a]"It's as I suspected, your one with nature form indeed has a limit, just as Jenso's did. And it looks like your about at it!"[/color] The sage couldn't help but feel there was a tad more to it then that as well, perhaps something to do with Pij being suddenly stolen away and Dacer not being able to handle it. Either way, there was an opening and Jeff wasn't gonna let it slip by without at least trying something. Turning into a full speed dash towards Dacer, Jeff charged forward aiming his left gauntlet out and firing out a cannonball sized blast that aimed to straight up nail Dacer in the gut with the power of a train. He then followed up with the blade equipped to his left hand and launched wind scythes at his left and right sides along with one above him, attempting to cut off any means of escape. [color=fff79a]"Oz might look like blender meat right now, but I'm sure that's only cause he took down Ada, leaving you as the last thing in our way to getting in the tower! So do us a favor and quit now, before I get serious!" [/color] [h2][color=0054a6]"ULTIMATE WIND CANNON!!!"[/color][/h2]