Fuck it now I wanna gush. [@ProPro] This man. This motherfuckin' man. This dude is probably one of the best GMs I've ever played with. I remember when his Worm setting started about a year ago and I saw it. I knew nothing about Worm and I submitted a character that was... bad. Really bad. So bad that I don't want to go into detail on how bad it was. He pointed out the problems with him and when I scrapped him, he was... I'd say pleasantly surprised with how I acted and my willingness to continue trying. After acceptance of my actual first character, I went through some weird ass phases and ended up in a bit of turmoil because my naive brain was eager to post. Henceforth, Pro told me to dial it back and give people reaction times. I agreed, and afterwards I joined the Skype group he had set up for that setting. Brotherhood ensue. Despite what he had going on in his life, he was there when I had questions and shit about settings, and I have since been in several settings with his other characters, like the ghosty spirit V, Bartholomew K. Runch, and probably the best so far, Shrimp Brigade Prime. From being willing to give me a second chance with characters, giving me a shot at making some dumb (but incredibly funny) art for you to use in New Horizons, and tolerating my dumb self when I've been the biggest of idiots, this guy still somehow thinks of me as a good sport. In the wise words of the mailman from Rick and Morty... [center][img]https://res.cloudinary.com/teepublic/image/private/s--zVLVA5Bg--/t_Preview/b_rgb:c8e0ec,c_limit,f_jpg,h_630,q_90,w_630/v1446237990/production/designs/267402_1.jpg[/img][/center]