Axel’s heart was in his throat the entire time she spoke and felt very, well ashamed that he had deceived her. But… would she even have been here had he came straight out and says ‘hey I’m a God and you’re the only one who could help me’. He’d be locked up in the human’s insane asylum for making such a claim. But… she was still here. Nodding softly he answered her, “We are at the old rundown manor to the north east of end town. If you walk the direction you’re currently facing about half a mile you’ll arrive at the edge of town at the bus stop labeled ‘Ellen’s Heights’ according to the sign, the bus stop runs every half an hour and is a 24 hour bus stop. The hill leading up to the manor isn’t very steep but it is surrounded by trees. The king of the heavens cloaked the manor so it looks like a place of ruin but inside it’s really nice… NOT that I’m trying to convince you to come inside it’s just… well we aren’t a group of weirdos…” Of course the more poor Axel spoke the further he realized he was digging himself into a hole. “I’m sorry…” He muttered softly as he started towards the door of the manor. Stopping a couple feet away from the door he turned to her and called out, “I appreciate you meeting them but… if you want to leave we will not stop you.” With that he opened the door and called inside. The first to run out was Calamity. “Lee!” She said hurrying out with excitement. That wasn’t until she was closer that Cal’s excitement dropped and she screeched to a halt. “Ooooohhhh you’re not… not happy huh?” The redhead said sadly as her small face dropped into a frown. “Well, I suppose I could start by properly introducing myself. My name is Calamity and I am the Goddess of Taurus. Oh and I work in the Department of Wishes!” Soon the god filed out and introduced themselves to her before a few of them excused themselves to go back inside leaving Calamity, Alexander and Leon outside. Axel stayed quiet standing near but not next to Lee as a sad attempted to be supportive as a lot of unbelievable information dropped on her. That’s when his voice echoed softly in her head, [i]“I am sorry for deceiving you… I… I didn’t know how you’d take the information but I promise to never lie to you again. Alexander is my boss and the director of the Department of Punishments. He’s a bit harsh and rather direct but he’s actually very kind. And Leon’s the director of the Department of Wishes; he’s… well he’s a sadist in his personal life but he works harder than anyone else in the Department of Wishes just… just stay away from him.”[/i] There was a small pause in his voice before a small innocent chuckle could be heard. [i]“I’m sorry if this frightened you. Every Holy being has their own natural abilities outside of their powers. Mine is one way telepathy; you can hear me in your mind but I cannot hear your thoughts so you don’t worry. Okay I’ll… I’ll leave you to that because I probably just reinforced how weird I actually am…”[/i] A small sigh could be heard as his voice faded away.