Hi There, I am looking for advanced writers who are interested in both exciting action and character development. All the usual stuff applies, blah blah blah. I'm looking for creativity and the ability to play multiple roles within the RP. [u][b]Plots:[/b][/u] [b]Pulp Adventure![/b] This will be a globe hopping adventure set in the roaring 20s. Inspirations include Indiana Jones, The Masks of Nyarlothotep, Atlantis and other such pulp staples. [b]Star Wars - The Sparks of Rebellion[/b] This story will track the beginnings of one of the earl rebel cells. The players will likely be civilians or have limited military experience. I'm interested in both the human costs of insurgency as well as action adventure. [b] Star Wars - After Alderaan[/b] This story will take place on Couruscant and follow characters who flee imperial service ahead of the inevitable purges of Alderaanian's in imperial service. The players primary goal will be to escape and/or to hit back at the Imperials. PM me if you are interested.