[@Kafka Komedy] Hey there! There's essentially a coalition called the Kujat made up of many different alien races. Two of them are high caste, and I might expand on a couple other species. I'm leaving it open for people that might want to create their own. Then there is the human equivalent simply called Hume. They've got longer lifespans compared to us (200 years) even without cybernetic enhancements. Non-enhanced humes are rare and there's a whole reason behind that I'll detail in the OOC. Magic will most likely be tech-based. Kind of like Mass Effect's omni-tool in how it can fabricate three dimensional objects and manipulate kinetic/thermal energy, combined with how Tony Stark's Iron Man suit generates its powers --- to a certain extent. My idea is to have it utilized as a lesser function, kind of like Witchers with signs. I'm still working out the kinks behind it, but this is the direction it'll most likely head.