[b]Dreadnought Madron CIC [/b] The order to send recon drones to the planet Aurora was already completed. Two frigates deployed dozens of volleyball size drones with their own Mass Effect Fields and thrusters to maneuver and shield itself from debris. They sent information on their scans of the surface and even communications they were able to intercept. Both were sent to command quickly confirming Admiral Naara's fears. "So this is the Covenant then huh?" she whispered to herself knowing that extraction of any Asari captives on the planet was likely impossible. This was of course not just because of the massive Covenant presence, but also due to the large presence of Covenant forces on the ground. The Probes weren't able to detect the state of the settlement, but they were able to monitor constant movement of Covenant vessels to and from the settlement. Ralla sat down in the captain's seat and closed her eyes wondering what to do about this. She considered making contact which she expected to turn violent due to the faction's motives. If it turned hostile a fleet to fleet battle seemed unlikely to go in her favor. "NIA have you translated any other intercepted communications yet?" "Of course and this one appears less hostile than the Covenant." "Let me hear it." It was a diplomatic message calling for potential negotiations and a neutral ground. From a military officer no less, but there was at least some precedent in the Asari military for this. The Admiral wondered if it was too late to even join this. "I'm no diplomat, but maybe have some information. Just knowing more about the Covenant's objective could change my objectives." at this point she was essentially talking to herself. Commander Mera just arrived coming from informing the Justicar personally of the situation. "Commander good you're here. Think we should do battle with the Covenant?" Mera wondered if the Admiral was just joking, but decided to answer seriously. "The enemy has multiple dreadnought sized ships and far more cruiser size ships. Size isn't everything, but if their weapons, skill and range are even somewhat comparable to ours we will lose a significant amount of forces. Without reinforcements we won't have the numbers to complete our mission." "Basically we don't have a proper fleet. You should be Admiral. I think I just want another fight." Naara smiled to herself before giving out another order. "Send a message to Commander Muriel. Let it say this. This is Admiral Ralla V' Naari of the Asari 12th Fleet. Our interest is in the Planet Aurora and the disappearance of our citizens." This was the name the pirates gave her. She still sent information on the planet she mentioned with the message. Even if the Covenant attempted to encrypt the message it would still serve its purpose.