[hider=Aurelia Lunel] [center][h2][color=slateblue]Aurelia Lunel[/color][/h2] [img]https://pre00.deviantart.net/581f/th/pre/f/2016/210/e/b/reya_de_leon_by_claparo_sans-dabk27n.jpg[/img] [hr][hr] [center][color=Ghostwhite]"Everyone is a moon, and has a dark side, to which they never show anyone" -Mark Twain[/color][/center] [hr][hr] [color=slateblue][u][b]Birth Name[/b][/u][/color] Aurelia (Rel) Lunel [color=slateblue][u][b]Stage Name[/b][/u][/color] Aura La Luna [color=slateblue][u][b]In Service To The Circus Since[/b][/u][/color] August 14, 1758 [color=slateblue][u][b]Her Act [/b][/u][/color] Rel is a daring tightrope walker. Without the use of a net she walks the wire pathway from one side of the big top to the next. Of course, what the audience doesn't realize is that she has a handicap. With gravity pinpoint and minor telekinesis that is no way from her to fall. [color=slateblue][u][b]Compulsion[/b][/u][/color] She cannot have a verbal conversation with people outside of the circus. She can greet and give verbal acknowledgement of civilians but cannot carry on any kind of conversation with them. [color=slateblue][u][b]Reason She Joined the Circus.[/b][/u][/color] As Rel aged she realized that she had a affiliation for telekinesis. Able to move small objects such as cups and jewelry, she made her life a little easier entering into a new marriage at a young age; common for the time. Unfortunately, not everyone shared her indifference to her power. Upon seeing his new wife make a cup fly off the table and into her hand while washing dishes, he sold her out and she was believed to be a daemon impersonating the real Aurelia Lunel. On the run as an outcast Rel ran into The Ringleader, she told him that she wished for a way out, and he granted it. [color=slateblue][u][b]Biography[/b][/u][/color] Aurelia came from a small farming family. She spent her days cleaning up after animals, and tending to the fields. Being the only child to her parents, Rel was given to marriage as soon as she became of age. What no one realized was that she could move things with her mind, and they didn't like it. The young lady's quiet, simple, life became harsh. She was forced out of her home after her husband called her a daemon and tried to kill her. Running home to her parents didn't give her peace either as they had heard of her powers and cast her away as well. She ran into the forest, away from people. Rel was alone for so long, running and stealing and fighting to stay alive. The young woman was on her way to a new town when she had run into The Ringleader and they signed their deal. [color=slateblue][u][b]Her Connection[/b][/u][/color] Rel enjoys deep conversation, thus when she takes an interest in a particular individual she wants to know about their lives. Most of the time, it's the newest member. Octus is one of her focuses. The woman initiates conversation with the man, and his curiosity makes the best conversations sometimes. [color=slateblue][u][b]Audition[/b][/u][/color] In the darkness a deep voice echoed through the big top, announcing Aura La Luna. Her name gave me nothing to go off of in terms of what she could do, however my eyes quickly lit up as the spot light hit the far right corner of the tent. A petite woman with mid length, brown hair stood atop a small platform a mid thigh light colored dress with tights underneath. She smiled and gave a full arm wave towards the crowd before stepping on what at first looked like nothing at all. My stomach jumped into my throat as the realization that she was walking on something that seemed too small for my eyes to see. How could someone, never mind a woman, appear to almost walk on air. My mouth and eyes opening limply as she wobbled around the half way point. People around me were silent, all waited to see the woman fall to her death. Entranced by the sight, we stood as one unit as Aura La Luna reached the other side to cheer, however, it wasn't over. Pulling off a sash from around her waist, the performer tied it around her eyes. Many around me started to chatter about what she was up to, but I didn't take my eyes off the woman. Without hesitation Aura La Luna stepped backwards and began her journey back to the first platform. Seeing her starting to wobble again I stood, my whole body needed to watch her. Before I could take a ragged breath in she slipped. My throat tightened and I couldn't breathe, only watch as the tightrope walker leaned too far sideways threatening to fall. Within the next moment the girl had swung herself around the wire and regained balance, now facing forward; continuing until she reached the platform, no longer wobbling as her feet step back onto the wood of the platform. I hear a roar from the crowd, and I can't decide who is louder, me or everyone else. She reties the sash around her waist as a cloth swings by, and the woman grasps it, using it to get to ground and walking to center stage to give two full arm waves and a bow before the lights go out again. The weight is lifted off my chest, my throat loosens giving me air again, my stomach returns to its place in my body as I release my excitement, and take my place again awaiting the next act.[/center][/hider] Credit for my picture goes to [url=https://claparo-sans.deviantart.com/]Claparo-Sans of DeviantArt[/url]