[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/6tKBILP.jpg?1[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/0BQ6Yi6.png[/img][hr][/center] [indent][b]A[/b]dam had watched his father wave goodbye. It was a small gesture; a bronzed hand raised from his lab-coat, a hesitant smile pulled at his thick lips. It was the kind of gesture that whispered its secrets. It alluded to a somber departure but it also abandoned the trillion of things that were left unsaid between them. In the end, Adam had not returned the wave, instead, he found himself staring unblinking at the vanishing figure of his father. It wasn't until the entire NERV base devolved into a black speck had he slumped into his chair, defeated and yet, frighteningly resolved to meet Japan head-on. [center][b]* * * A * * *[/b][/center] Adam exited off the bus with what little he had packed, it all came in the form of a inky duffel bag. He held it over his shoulder, its weight hefty but nothing he couldn't handle. The moment he strode off, his callous expression turned exhausted. There was nothing wrong with trains or despairing ruins of yesteryear's cities but to say that Japan was worth moving him and unit-zero three was insulting. There was nothing there but wispy greenery, tilting abandoned buildings, and the annoying racket of summer-time insects. They were so loud for some reason. [b]Too[/b] loud even. [color=gold][b]Just be quiet,[/b][/color] he muttered. Then the squeal of breaking tires stabbed the air. He flinched away from it instinctively almost missing the American rock music blaring from the vehicle. [color=gold][i]There's too much noise, always so much noise! Why couldn't people just sit in silence for once?[/i][/color] Adam adjusted his duffel bag, frowned, then was once against assaulted. UN Fighters, a machine he had grown use to seeing during a few of his practice drills, roared overhead. The air behind jostled him about. Missiles sprung from its body, arcing and zagging towards some giant. Adam felt his heart constrict at the sight, his blood rushing. [color=orange][i]"An Angel..."[/i][/color] [color=gold][b]"Where's my Unit?"[/b][/color] he barked before hearing the Japanese woman's order. Like another, he rushed inside, a shaking grin on his face. [color=gold][i]I will do my duty.[/i][/color][/indent]