With the general inactivity of the Contests subforum(and the lack of contests as a natural consequence), and my own personal understanding of some of the feelings around how some past contests have been held(a confusing soup of overlapping rules alongside esoteric prompts), the idea popped into my head to hold something similar. What makes what I propose different is that instead of a contest with clear cut winners and losers(though inactive there is still a Contest system in place, so I don't want to devise anything redundant) it would be, as the thread title suggests, a community activity. Everyone that wants to can submit an entry in the designated thread for the prompt, and after the deadline for submission, there would be a sort of review thread where readers can offer criticisms to the respective author of any given entry/entries. Seeing as this would simply be something people could participate in and write for the fun of it and not a contest, I don't intend for it to be ultra-serious, nor will many of the prompts be. The prompts themselves will be simple with few if any rules, and it's up to the writer how "deep" they want their entry to be. Basically this would be a good thing for the people I see in the Status Bar talking about how they have nothing to write for since the roleplays they are in are being a bit slow and they're caught up on everything. I already have the first prompt ready should people show interest, so if you feel as though this would be a good idea to get off the ground, I implore you to say so, and maybe even give some criticisms or ideas to make the activity better. [sup]If you just want to call me a poopy doo-doo head that's okay too I suppose.[/sup]