[center][color=black]▬▬ι[/color]═══════ﺤ[h2][color=darkslateblue][b]K A Z U K I[/b][/color][/h2]৴═══════[color=black]ι▬▬[/color] [h3][i][b]Guild Hall[/b][/i][/h3] [@LeamonZest89][@SantosGabriel77][@Kazemitsu][@ZekariVoblis][hr][/center] Kaze seemed impatient, but perhaps he had the same idea as Kazuki did and just wanted to get the job over and done. Clara didn't eat as Kazuki had suggested to her earlier. Hopefully she had eaten at home, but normal meals might not have the same effect as the hearty regimens Hunters tended to keep themselves to--typically a Hunter would stick to two ingredients, like dairy and vegetables or meat and fish, but eat them in variety and large quantities. All of the physical activity and wear-and-tear on a Blademaster's body meant they needed a great deal of protein and calories for energy; conversely, keeping the body healthy and the metabolism smooth with other foods would help one shake off the harsh elements they were exposed to or grant them extra stamina. The muscular woman seemed genuinely happy they were there, though, and as Kazuki watched her take up her greatsword and grab a few extra things for her pack he nodded to himself--it seemed she would be a quick learner. The other fellow, Edon, seemed eager as well. With his addition of the Sword and Shield, their party would have a good balance. Tamietta's Hunting Horn and Kaze's Hammer were blunt and heavy weapons, good for crushing hard scales or thick plates of hide. The Hunting Horn also made use of its music and the hunter's spiritual energy to channel power to others, while the Hammer channeled such power instead into the Charge technique to deliver crushing blows with pinpoint timing. The Great Sword also worked well with the Charge technique, but was a cutting weapon. It was excellent for hit and run tactics along a monster's side and legs, or heavy blows to its head if a Hammer user wasn't around, but could be a hard weapon to learn "properly" rather than just relying on its raw power. Contrasting these heavy weapons, Edon and Kazuki would be the ones moving swiftly around the creature to try and bleed it from as many different cuts as possible. The long reach of Kazuki's blade and the Spirit Combo technique would allow him to cut tails even on tall beasts, and build up extra power the longer the fight went on. Edon's rapid attacks and extra defense, however, would allow him an easy switch between evasion and blocking. And while right now it wouldn't have any such qualities, later on they could get him a set that had paralytic, poisonous, or elemental qualities to exploit monsters' weaknesses--the quick hits of lighter weapons like Dual Blades and the Sword and Shield meant that such coatings could be repeatedly applied and rapidly overcome a monster's immune system. With introductions out of the way, Cyrus tossed Kazuki an official Quest posting. The dark haired Hunter snatched it out of the air reflexively before he even knew what it was; looking over it, he noted that 2600z seemed a bit on the low side, but then again the village wasn't in great financial straits at the moment. But no matter--the important part of this journey would be the materials. Fifteen Ioprey was a lot for a beginner-level culling quest...but that meant they could get a lot of Ioprey materials, as well. And Ioprey Armor would be an excellent set to start with for these rookies. "Thank you, Elder Cyrus." Kazuki bowed to the man once more, and then started to head for the door again. He didn't leave immediately, but held the door open for the others politely. Assuming everyone followed him and the group exited the Town Hall, then headed up to the Departure Gate of the village where their transportation waited, he would offer everyone in the group one last piece of advice--he didn't want to seem like he was bossing everyone else around, but he was, after all, the experienced one. Relatively. "Clara." he called to the Great Swordswoman, "I'd like you to come with me; we're going to focus on hunting the Iodrome. Kaze, you mentioned you have experience with being a butcher--as you, Edon, and Tamietta hunt the Ioprey, whenever you've cleared the immediate area of threats I want you to help them carve up [i]all[/i] the 'prey bodies--Pay specific attention to getting their Scales, Hides, Claws, and Fangs. You can also cut the Poison Sacs out of them, and Small Bones. Leave nothing behind if there's a use for it, but don't worry about ruining any of the materials during the fight. Do whatever's necessary to kill them without getting injured." "And everyone, whenever you're not fighting a Monster, always pay attention to your environment." he added, turning to address all of them rather than anyone specifically. "If you see ore veins, mine them. If you see Herbs or other useful plants, pick them. If you come across bugs, catch them. All kinds of things are used as materials for Armor and Weapons that you might not expect, or can be made into helpful items. Every Hunter worth their salt is also an excellent survivalist and a bit of a craftsman." With that said, they would--assuming--be off, and the adventure would begin...