[center][IMG]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Mali%20Anson&name=Chris%27s%20Handwriting.ttf&size=50&style_color=D5FF00[/IMG] [hr][b]Location:[/b] Diamond District [hr][hr][/center] Mali raised her arms and tried to help the staff with measurements and such. She knew they were supposed to be ignored unless needed for some errand, but she couldn't help but imagine how annoying it would be to try measuring someone as they just went about their business. She had half a mind to just tell them her measurements so they wouldn't have to bother. She took them or had them taken relatively often, about once a month so; they might be a bit off due to changes over time, but it would save a bit of time and trouble. However, it would be kind of awkward to bring up, and they were measuring more than the main eight she kept up with (shoulder, chest, arm, forearm, waist, hips, thigh, calf), so she just let them do their job. Mali couldn't say that she had the chance for any kind of Girl's Day/Night Out any time recently either. Her "friends" from high school spent a lot of their time getting high and/or drunk, causing destruction whilst drunk and bored, and getting into fights over petty shit. Then when she started trying to turn her life around, she had her hands full trying to catch up on years worth of neglected material. In university, Her time was divided between her first major, her second major, work, and her girlfriend. Sleep worked its way into her schedule when there was a brief opening. Towards the tail end of her campus days she took up bodybuilding, which ate up a lot more time than she had anticipated. And now she was in a strange new city with no real friends except a weird tech geek she'd met two weeks ago. Any chance to have fun being girly was one she'd snap up in an instant. Speaking of which, Zoie said to not hold back, but Mali was still hesitant to completely cut loose. She was spending someone else's money after all. Still, she needed at least a couple more items, and she couldn't help but grab a couple more she didn't. Same rules as before, but the first piece she'd be wearing for most of the day, so it'd need to not give her a heat stroke as well. And she'd try to avoid another yellow outfit, wouldn't want to give the impression that was the only color she liked. Ultimately she picked out a few things to finish off the purchases for the store. A [URL=https://i.imgur.com/EFfmK5M.png]bodysuit[/URL] and [URL=https://i.imgur.com/1sckj0t.png]jeans[/URL] for her to wear around the rest of the day. Honestly, she was surprised that the store had jeans, but when she saw how much they cost, everything made sense again. And while she was at it, she picked out another [URL=https://i.imgur.com/W9KMHrL.png]bottom[/URL] and [URL=https://i.imgur.com/fa5Rs93.png]dress[/URL] for later use. One quick trip to the dressing room later and She looked a lot closer to presentable on the streets of the Diamond District without being over-dressed. [color=D5FF00]"Anything else you want to take care of while we're here?"[/color]