So, so many options... All of them shitty. They could go to the consortium, a place that makes money off of selling secrets, and if they found out that Tony was connected to Wonderland... it probably wouldn't end well. The same could be said for the PRT - while they may find him, he did not want to challenge arguably the strongest forces in the nation into finding who offered them an invite - hell, Tony might even get blamed if they get raided in the middle of a fight! That leaves option the former... The guys that have been all across the news for awhile now, and have challenged every faction in Boston to war... The Covenant. [color=00a651]"Why in hell are we even delivering invites to the PRT? It's like we're begging to be arrested."[/color] "There are more than a few crooked heroes, man. PRT probably have their hands full with the Covenants recent activity, so they probably don't have the time to send people to raid us. Lucky, right?" Tony rolled his eyes, before plucking the white envelope from Robby's hand. [color=00a651]"I don't want to be anywhere near the assholes that literally declared war on us, and the Consortium is great at holding blackmail - at least this way, I won't have to sell my kidney for hush money or wind up dead in an alley..."[/color] "That's the spirit!" Tony sighed slightly, dreading what was going to come up. If he was lucky, they would find a corrupt hero quick - like Robby said, they weren't exactly rare. But on the off chance they met someone that recognized either of them, or they couldn't find someone to hand the letter off to... well, they were kind of boned. "C'mon - place is in Mission Hill. I'll lead the way." [hr] Tony wasn't exactly foreign to the PRT - they always had some force around, making sure that the gangs in the city were keeping to some degree of order. But the anxiety that crept up his spine as he walked towards he massive monolith that floated over Boston Harbor. The safest place in the city, and arguably one of the most well protected places in the country, this pyramid floated over the harbor with ease... The perfect defensive position. Several police officers and PRT enforcers patrolled the surrounding ground, making sure that suspicious activity was kept to a minimum. The number of tourists and guards, however, was far lower than usual, and it was almost chilling to see the lack of people. [color=00a651]"What's your ingenious way of getting the letter to someone? We can't really walk in and hand it to somebody we recognize, can we?"[/color] "...I was hoping they'd have a mailbox or something." Tony held back the urge to strangle his companion, and quickly thought over the situation - there was no way in hell they'd be able to get inside, especially with heightened security concerns thanks to the Covenant... A flash of inspiration struck Tony, and he quickly began to walk towards one of the people in a PRT uniform, motioning for Robby to stay while he did so. Tony gave the man a curt wave, and began to speak before the man interrupted him. [color=00a651]"I'm glad to find someone like you! I am an officer from the New York branch - I was told about a particularly... [i]aggressive[/i] hero in your jurisdiction. I have written a very important message for them, and I was hoping someone would be able to deliver it for me."[/color] "O-of course sir! Do you mind telling me who you particularly have in mind?" Tony narrowed his eyes. [color=00a651]"I was told that they were a problem - is this problem so menial that not everyone knows about it?"[/color] "No sir! I promise that they'll get it by the end of the day!" [color=00a651]"Good - I'm glad I could find someone so reliable! I'll be sure to put in a good word in about you with Director Armstrong."[/color] Tony turned on his heels, the guard saying "Thank you, sir!" as he did so. The white envelope was clutched gently in his hand, and Troy walked to a somewhat disturbed Robby. "You sure that'll work? Guy will probably just tear it up. And who the hell were you talking about when you said 'Particularly aggressive'?" [color=00a651]"It'll work - trust me. Next up is Consortium - this will hopefully be pretty easy."[/color] Tony walked forwards, speaking after a few seconds of silence as if he just heard Robby. [color=00a651]"Oh, I have no clue what hero he'll give it to. All I know is that Pipeline wants a bloodshow, and if we're lucky, that guard knows someone particularly dangerous. Hell, maybe he'll even give it to that one kid - Septima, or something. That'd be pretty interesting for the psychos that show up to these Circuses."[/color] The pair walked forwards, making their way towards the Alverton Building. [center][i]10:15[/i] [@Sickle-cell][/center]