Anna didn't like being trapped in this elevator. It reminded her too much of the 'prayer closet' her mother would force her into. Small spaces always reminded her of that horrible time in her life. She was trembling her breathing harsh and she looked at him, her blue eyes wide and the blue in them glowing almost unnoticeably, her pupils dilates ever so slightly. There he was, smiling as if nothing was wrong. How could he be this happy? And why did he keep pestering her? Why didn't he just move on to some other girl and try talking her into a date? Anna wasn't even that pretty! She was weird and shy and awkward. It didn't make sense for him to chase after her like he had been doing ever sicne she had moved into these apartments. "I don't want to talk to you, or anyone else. Why can't you just see that? I just want to alone!" As she said that, the lights in the elevator flicked few times more, as if coming back on, only to go out again. She was feeling claustrophobic in this place and scared with another person so close to her. The fear was apparent in her eyes as she quickly stood, trying to press the buttons again, even though she knew it would not work. She stood there for a moment, her hands still on the buttons, pressing them down as she slowly looked at him from over her shoulder. This was the closest she had been to breaking down in front of another person since she had moved here three months ago. What if her powers got too out of control? Flickering lights? That was easily explainable and could be counted as electricity problems. But if things started flying through the air, how could she possibly explain that? Would he tell anyone? Would she have to kill him before he even got the chance to? She didn't want to. She didn't want to kill anyone else for the rest of her life if she could help it. But if she had to to keep herself safe and alive, then....she just would have to. She took deep breaths trying to calm herself, her gaze still on him, "Not here. I can't talk to you here...I....being trapped in this thing scares me..."