[@shagranoz] Looks alright for the most part... however I need you to explain more with "Spacial Rend" because 'bend[ing] spacetime itself' is going to be OP if its what I think it is. The vision power up may want to be downgraded a bit, at least in regards to seeing EVERYTHING within the electromagnetic spectrum (Maybe she can see infrared and visible only)? [@The1Rolling1Boy] History be revolving around his creation and any notable kaiju fights he's engaged in. Like I said, I will have a timeline of events up from 1933 till now so if you wanna wait for that, I may allow him like so. [@The 42nd Gecko] Glad you can hop aboard Gecko! You have quite the interesting character (of course its cats lol). I find your character agreeable and is accepted. [@Shifter_Master] Looks fine so far as a WIP. Continue working on her and let's see where it goes.