[@Pirouette] The society can be a milita in style of spc foundation-guys who classify and contain mysticals mishaps and motherfucking, fanatstical collapses- the witch is one of these containments, her super motherfucking, taste bud tingling phantom form is attracking the soul eaters-pneumavores- and my ball bringer is assigned to making sure the witch gets in her vessel-you- so the ghostly gluttons stop trying party in our place. the reason why my motherfucking, apathetic adventure is sent to handle this is because most of the competent coworkers got eaten holding back the mists attack. So, my motherfucking, dude sort is on both sides. He got to give the witch a body to save the town, but, if he does that he got ot also figure out a way to imprison her so she won't also torch the town like a drunken disco dance routine with a fondness for candle lights.