Micheal narrowed his eyes at Izzy, obviously distrustful. "First of all, lady, I'm [i]eleven[/i], so get it right." He crossed his arms at her and continued, "My name is Micheal Hendrickson, it's a precious name given to me by my mom and dad, so [i]you[/i] can just call me Mikey. All I'm trying to do is make it to the address that's written on the paper you [i]stole[/i], so if you'd cough it up already I can get back to doing so." "Izzy," A voice sounded behind her. It was Holden who apparently rose from his seat on the bench during the commotion. "I know I'll probably regret asking, but [i]what exactly[/i] is the situation here?" As he became aware of Holden's presence, Mikey angled himself to put Izzy between Holden and himself. Holden certainly didn't seem to be the type that was fond of or even particularly tolerant of children, and it wasn't outside the realm of possibility that Mikey could sense that in him. Either that, or being that he seemed generally distrustful by nature, being confronted by two strangers at once made him particularly cautious.