[right][h2][sup][i][color=f07560]Knight[/color][/i][/sup][/h2][i]Rosaline Buckner[/i] [i]VTOL[/i][/right] … Hah. Asking about the worst day of our lives, are you, huh, Anomaly? Knight gazed out over the city as she thought back to her own triggering… … … … … Well. She had a story. Gestalt started. Knight paid attention. … Oh. Well, that sounded dreadful. She wasn’t sure if it was in her place to ask, but… [color=f07560]‘Did it work out after that?’[/color] She asked Gestalt, silently, sitting in place on the side. She simply nodded at Septima’s unwillingness to share her own trigger. She knew other examples of terrible triggers that one might prefer to keep to oneself. [color=f07560]‘Myself…’[/color] She took a deep breath for a moment. [color=f07560]‘I was mourning my dad. I was home alone, and didn’t know what to do with my life, felt vulnerable and scared without him. That’s when a couple criminals started breaking into my home. Without means to protect myself from them, without my dad when I felt the most vulnerable, I panicked. Perhaps more than I would have if I hadn’t been in the midst of mourning and loneliness. I triggered.’[/color] She held a hand forward, and she formed her own dull blue broadsword by pausing the time in that shape, gripping it and holding it steadily. [color=f07560]‘… I got my means to protect myself, and with that, my future was decided.’[/color] She smirked a little, then let the sword fade away, back to air. [color=f07560]‘All in all, I was fortunate and got away without much harm. No particular therapy required.’[/color] [i]Obviously[/i]. Now, there was the explanation that second-generation capes triggered more easily, but she never made it clear if she was one or not. Sure, she was the child of Retribution, but were they related, [i]power-wise[/i]? … Unclear, she had said to anyone who asked. [@Sickle-cell][@Banana]