L.O.C = Legends of Chima [s](If Tribal wars don't interest you but you want an Anthro RP, feel free to note me)[/s] [color=9e0b0f]No more Anthro RP's at this time, only Chima [/color] [color=598527]War Time, so includes violence, potentially torture, NSFW naughty times between characters, 0 fade to black options[/color]. Neither of our characters need to be on the same side, and can indeed be enemies - this isn't that hard to work as I'll be making multiple characters for each side of the war regardless to keep it consistent. Despite this being a more warlike, faction vs faction rp, there will be plenty of downtime. [color=598527]If you're not into the war aspect of the Tribes, i'm fine keeping this more Slice of Life if you wish[/color], including the option for you to use crossover stuff as your character (as long as it's not something OP like a God ha ha, Jedi/Sith are okay) Basic Premise - Anthromorph animals fighting over a magical resource that enhances strength, agility and endurance, known as CHI. Tech Level> Vehicles, basic Blaster weapons (like in Star Wars), in general - medieval/roman based armor All tech is powered by "CHI" hence why some assets are more advanced than many others. NOTE ME. Do not bother commenting. [hider=Chima pics] [img]https://pre00.deviantart.net/d8fe/th/pre/f/2015/231/3/0/3015f376e74e4dd44b4f3d2b195726ba-d96e5e1.jpg[/img][img]https://pre00.deviantart.net/fedd/th/pre/i/2014/300/7/c/i_don_t_know_who_you_are__or_where_you_re_from____by_jerijune-d84b8yq.png[/img][img]https://pre00.deviantart.net/efaf/th/pre/i/2016/236/7/b/chima_artdump_by_steammouse-daf6imo.jpg[/img][img]https://pre00.deviantart.net/a2bc/th/pre/i/2016/079/1/3/chima_season_3_doods_by_steammouse-d9vu3lz.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Each Tribe has a naming quirk] Eg, Lions: Laval, Lavertus, Li'Ella, Leonidas, etc Crocodiles: Cragger, Crawley, Crooler, etc You get the picture. (I hope) [/hider] [hider=Tribe Alliances] [u]Neutral for Team 1 and 2 (will work for either)[/u] - Rhinos - Ravens - Skunks - Foxes - Phoenix's - Beavers - Peacocks - Tigers - Leopards [u]Team 1[/u] (usually works with Tigers, Leopards and Beavers) - Lions - Eagles - Gorillas - Bears [u]Team 2[/u] (Usually works with Ravens, Rhinos and Foxes) - Crocodiles - Wolves [u]Team 3[/u] - Spiders - Scorpions - Bats [u]Team 4 (All are Undead)[/u] - Ice Bears - Saber-tooth Tigers - Mammoths/Elephants - Vultures [u]Team 5[/u] - Unknown races not in Chima Eg, Dinosaurs, Dragons, other animals, Humans etc. Include what you wish, even crossover stuff if you wish) [/hider] [hider=My Character] Name: Crunch Age: 19 Height: 6'4 Gender: Male Species: Crocodile Appearance: ( I don't have anything Crocodile based drawn up, so this will do ) [img]https://static1.e621.net/data/a5/52/a552b33d3c6ff3d48f59f3147c7fa84a.png[/img] [/hider]