[center][h2]New California Republic[/h2][/center] [img]https://img00.deviantart.net/f6d6/i/2014/056/d/e/ncr_flag_revisited_by_ncrveteran2296-d77xrek.jpg[/img] [@Wampower] [u][b]General Shu, Shady Sands[/b][/u] "This is General Shu. I suppose by now you have heard what has happened, suffice to say things will be getting rather ugly in the NCR in the next few weeks. There is going to be a lot of house cleaning and a lot of changes - by that point, I have to ask a favor from you President Harris," spoke Shu, as the conductor called that they would be arriving in Shady Sands in the next ten minutes. "Namely - before he died President Kimball deployed several units along your border. Now with the declaration from Mr. House and Vegas - we are unable to get them out of there, without leaving several tons of equipment for looters and other bandits to get," spoke Shu, his voice sounding rather tired. "I am asking, if it is possible - for the Texas Confederation to temporarily occupy our base-camp and provide our soldiers the opportunity to spend their mandatory leave there?" asked General Shu. It was better than handing their base over to New Vegas or some other raider tribe. This way - the soldiers could be taken care of, in their territory. While those in the NCR and Shady Sands worked things out and got them back home. "I know this might be asking a lot - but at this moment, I fear that the New California Republic is at its lowest in recorded history-" he spoke, soon hearing several protestors even to the train station. All of them shouting 'down with NCR'. Sadly one of the pieces of democracy - the right to protest. "-not to mention, it looks like people are a few days away from rioting against the Government." "I know, this is might seem much. But your the only other nation I'd trust with military equipment...or at least the only other democratic state in the entire American wasteland that has the right of protest and open discussions," he finished. "So do we have a deal?"