[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/171007/fae1932f476a2f523ce5653d48b91bfa.png[/img] [sup]Current Location: Paradise Valley - Interacting With: Jain, Trooper #1 & #2, Trevor - Mentioned: Several Ranch Hands[/sup] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQoHAGuzVgI[/youtube][/center] [color=gray]Maisy nodded to Jain's command, taking back the map so they could follow it. The thought of reinforcements was refreshing, especially after everything had seemed to go downhill. They were already one man down, and God knows what happened with the gunshot that rang through the subdivision. Still, Maisy couldn't shrug off the idea that Trevor and his men were bears. They were usually taller than Maisy, and wore armor like something out of a fairy tale, at least according to the last time the rancher saw them. Maisy was glad that they were on their side, but the rancher had a inkling not to piss off a brute like one of them. Like many conversations between the expedition leader and second-in-command, the tone soon changed. The two women locked eyes for a second as Maisy heard out her superior's worries.[/color] [color=moccasin][b]"Jain,"[/b][/color] [color=gray]Maisy stated, a soft smile rising on her lips,[/color] [color=moccasin][b]"I may be a better leader than you, or I may not. Still, you were placed in the leader role for a reason, and you've managed to get us this far. I can't say what others think, but you've managed so far. Just point the way, and I'll follow."[/b][/color] [color=gray]Maisy explained, nodding once more her superior as she wheeled her horse around. The rancher took off her hat, and gave a wave back towards Jain.[/color] [color=moccasin][b]"I'll go return to the others and get to searching. Keep yourself safe, Jain."[/b][/color] [color=gray]Maisy replied, riding back to where Beta squad and the resupply group were still camping until they were needed. It wasn't a far ride, just across the highway, although in the midst of crossing the twin roads, something had caught Maisy's eye. Something familiar to the rancher. Something Maisy knew all too well. Something that was an old memory of Maisy's.[/color] [color=moccasin][b]"I'll be damned...[/b][/color] [color=gray]The rancher mumbled, running her hand down the dust long settled on her father's old rusting and beat-up truck, with the horse trailer still attached. The caravan still stood as it did when it stopped, albeit with more rust and dust.[/color] [color=moccasin][b]"Lindsey, Todd, Jake..."[/b][/color] [color=gray]Maisy rambled, listing off all the people that once worked on the ranch, only to fall to the undead. The rancher's head swung low, her eyes closed as she lost herself in the past. The two troopers with Maisy were confused, but they stood by the second-in-command until she was ready to move. Climbing off her horse, Maisy walked to the front of the truck, and knelt down in front of the license plate. Pulling a knife from her belt, the rancher began to unscrew it from the truck with the blade until the license plate was loose to remove. Placing the license plate in her pack, Maisy then went to climb inside the truck. Reaching for the gear shift, Maisy twisted the knob free from the handle, also taking it with her.[/color] [color=moccasin][b]"Right, let's get back on track."[/b][/color] [color=gray]Maisy replied to the troopers, taking one final look at an old memory before leading the group back to the encampment at the Falls. By the time they returned, Maisy noticed that some people were missing, and some people had been new. It was evident that the flanks must've needed some support, but what was more evident was the towering giant in chain mail speaking with Petra. Something about Jain was said, which prompted Maisy to walk over to them.[/color] [color=moccasin][b]"Trevor. right? Maisy. Good to know you're here just in time for news from the front lines."[/b][/color] [color=gray]The rancher explained to the newcomer, her introduction somewhat hasty, but for good reason. With a hand movement, Maisy motioned for everyone within the camp to fall in and listen.[/color] [color=moccasin][b]"To my knowledge, the search is going fine. There... was a gunshot, but it was quickly brought under control and the Crazed..."[/b][/color] [color=gray]A pause.[/color] [color=moccasin][b]"...excuse me, the Risen were dealt with. However, we have been given new orders."[/b][/color] [color=gray]Maisy went on to explain, holding the map within her hands so all could see.[/color] [color=moccasin][b]"This map is a map of the subdivision we're currently searching. Inked in red, are houses that have been marked. No one is aware what the marking means, but Jain wants us to investigate. I'll be taking some of the troopers with me, but we will be going in blind. Support is surely going to be needed, but until then, keep yourselves alive and out of danger."[/b][/color] [color=gray]Maisy explained, her eyes scanning the crowd for any potential volunteers outside of the troopers.[/color] [color=moccasin][b]"You in?"[/b][/color] [color=gray]Maisy asked, her eyes gazing upwards at the tall armored man who stood nearby. Whatever it was, Trevor's help would be worth anything.[/color] [hr] [center][@RumikoOhara][@Polaris North][@FortunesFaded][@DeadDrop][@ReusableSword][/center]