[@Weed] I like the amount of thought that you put into your questions. I will try to answer your questions and concerns as plainly as possible. I have created Capitol City to be a broad location. In the future, I may create more sub-locations within it or even expand the area surrounding it. Whenever I have time and inspiration, I will do that. In the mean time, there is nothing stopping anyone from creating their own sub-locations within Capitol City or even building onto the area surrounding Capitol City. People can even create an area separate from Capitol City. We build this world together. Simply create a location sheet in the character sheet section, and I will add it into the first OOC post. On that note, the next location that I want to build is "Downtown Capitol City". This will be the demon stronghold. This will be where Balthazar is at the moment. I don't have time to create that at the moment though. I will tonight or tomorrow.