[h2]Cagliostro[/h2] "Magus?" Pausing for a moment and dropping her child-like facade as she murmured the words various time in a low tone, the diminutive immortal glanced back up at the pseudo-Draph for a moment before taking in the small group that gathered about the area, nodding towards the squinty-eyed man's words. "I am an alchemist which is probably close to but not specifically what you are referring to." No use hiding around the bush considering how everyone looked rather different from the surroundings in general, i.e. they were probably in the same circumstances considering how much wonder and/or confusion could be seen in their gazes. "I am the great Cagliostro though probably none of you know of me or my... famous name. And your suggestion is sound, though I don't think anyone of us here knows this places all that well... still, anything is better in this congestion. The noise and sounds are pretty strong." Humphing as she waved a dainty hand around, she then stepped forward to hold it out towards the giant bull man. "You especially look like you need some street smarts so let's get going." Though he was ever so much the equivalent of a mountain of muscle and meat, he was ironically the existence closest to an actual child to her eyes at the moment, even more than the girl in the frog hat. Millennia of experiences and extra senses helped in that regard, really. An alchemist could see much more than regular people and she could tell at a glance that things were not as they seemed in general... much like herself.