Dorumon looked at the crowd of small In training Digimon. How did get over here translate to get the last thing I need and want right now. Of course then the flood of the little things came and oh good Yggdrasil he was going to kick the kid, especially if he did this on purpose. OH GOOD YGGDRASIL! Dorumon thought to himself as the wave of Digimon hit him. Doru was sent nearly crying with a wave of laughter as the Digimon tormented him though not for long a sharp ping could be heard as a coin collided with the ground and suddenly elongated across the X-axis distracting the the crowd who went to go check it out. Dorumon looked rather surprised, then he turned to his partner who had his hand on his computer watch, breathing heavily. They both slowly got up and brushed themselves off tip toeing their way out and away from them. "You know magic?" Doru asked Robert. To which Robert replied. "Who do I look like Harry Potter? That was just some simple programming." Doru gave a look of I thought you were supposed to be smart. "That's basically magic in this world. Since you know, THE WHOLE WORLD IS MADE OF DATA?" Robert covered his face with his palm. Dorumon looked at the the currently embarrassed Robert. Dorumon asked Robert. "So you got any other thing you want me to clarify?" To which Robert responded with. "One never tell the others about this, two... Is there a Digimon that can heal someone from near death?" Dorumon's ears perked up from hearing that and worry stabbed his heart. "Who is going to die?" Robert pointed to the masked kid. "His loved one." Dorumon leaned his head to the side in curiosity. "Why would you care about that? After all, it doesn't seem that you like Moss head or even know that person." Robert looked at Dorumon with clear eyes and stance that was prim and proper, different from his usual thug like stance, it was as if he was channeling someone else. "When someone is in trouble it's common sense to help them and to protect others is the greatest thing we could do." Dorumon looked at him and remembered that moment where he and His old friend had met. "Heh, I guess you're right. I don't know the details, but I heard of a Digimon that can heal others and that's about as much as I know." Robert sighed that he hadn't gotten as much information he would have wanted, but it was a start. Dorumon really didn't know the details, but he at least gotten him a chance.