Okay so this is our other RP for Naruto. So I can get an intro up sometime this week, got a few other posts to make myself. [i]-laughs-[/i] I think our starting season should be spring cause it's romantic (well maybe fall and winter are too but fuck summer is too unpleasant to be romantic IMO lol) and cute. So yeah that's why the title is what it is. That and I think people downplay how important time keeping is for roleplays. Once I had established in a post the sun had just set, two posts later the other guy says how they have a few hours before sunset. Like noooo, did you read my post bro? Ahem. [i]-clears throat-[/i] Anyway I'm not speaking from personal experience or anything. But it sounds like we're about good to go here? I'm thinking we'd start with Sakura approaching Shikamaru for help with training? I also wouldn't mind seeing what [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Nature_Transformation]element[/url] affinity she has since I think she's around that level for doing so? And maybe we should up the ages a bit maybe? Thoughts?