[H3]The Golden Gryphon - Tomas[/h3] Tomas glanced around him as he tried to recall whether he'd ever travelled to this Inn before. With so many years on the road it was a distinct possibility he had, but after visiting so many inns he felt almost ashamed to admit they all tended to feel familiar after awhile. He extended a hand towards the barkeep with a flash of his signature smile. "It seems I'm in great need of somewhere to stay, and something about the Gryphon feels like home. The name is Tomas De'Sean, but you might have heard of me by a number of other names; Salty Tom, or perhaps Tom De'Salt. You of course can call me Tom, and to answer your question, it's more of what I can do for you!" He reached down to his hip, and as his hand reached his belt a look of shock would reach his face and he snapped back to the thickly muscled barender, "Blessed Empress Lad, can you hear that?" He panicked as he stepped towards the door, before turning back around and stopping the man from leaving his post. Tom locked eyes with the man once more, this time on the verge of terror. "A dire sign indeed my boy..." A blur of motion to the man's left and Tom was beside him, chuckling lightly with his flute in hand. "There's no music Lad! How can anyone be expected to truly enjoy a meal in an establishment such as this without the proper ambience! Give me a place to rest my head, and a warm meal in my belly, and each night I'll entertain your fine guests..." he leaned in a bit closer to the man's ear, as if to share a secret between them. "And I'll guarantee we both walk away pockets heavy with their fine silver as well."