[h1][b][i][color=lightcoral][center]Charlie Farrier[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1] [center] [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/disney/images/6/60/Skandar_Keynes.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20150420140310[/img] [sub][color=lightcoral]Location: The X-Van[/color][/sub] [/center] [hr][hr] Charlie's first thought as he entered the van was that he needed to get his hands on one of those x-men suits. They looked a lot more hardy than his jeans and hoodie that he was currently wearing, and he had a large hunch that at least one article of clothing was going to be singed away before the mission even started properly. Strapping himself in alongside the others, he didn't dare touch any of the buttons. Although not really impressed (The amount of shit he'd seen in the past week had numbed any future surprises - a decked out van was actually kinda tame compared to everything else.), knowing his luck he'd nudge a lever and end up shooting out half of New York. [color=lightcoral]"So uh... are those suits fire-proof?"[/color] He asked aloud to the van. [color=lightcoral]"I'd hate to keep burning through them. When I get one, that is."[/color] [hr][hr] [h1][b][i][color=goldenrod][center]Nina van Essenhout[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1] [center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/2Wp6s98.jpg?1[/img] [sub][color=goldenrod]Location: The X-Van[/color][/sub] [/center] [hr][hr] Nina remained quiet for most of the van ride, simply raising an eyebrow in mild annoyance as Pietro arrived late, and then immediately began ignoring Marygold's orders to not touch anything. Although tempting to let Quicksilver know of their temporary partnership during this mission, Nina figured it was best to let Marygold or Cassandra break the news in front of Guinevere. The last thing they needed was the girl having a temper tantrum in such a confined space about Nina working with her new beau.