[hider=Raphael Offgood] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/eb/b9/fe/ebb9fea0f9e1be8fe75a86ea21bb9b90--cute-anime-guys-anime-boys.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Raphael “Raph” Offgood [b]Age:[/b] 15 [b]Race:[/b] Actually is a changeling from the Seelie summer court of fairies, meaning he was swapped for a human child and grew up in a human’s family, which is where he gets the name “Offgood.” If asked, Raph will swear he is human, because he finds it embarrassing to be called a “fairy.” [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Proficiency/Abilities:[/b] Raph is a light magician, able to conduct light into weapons. He has minor healing magic, but he barely knows how to use it. Raph inherited the skill of mind manipulation as well, but at his current level it only works on humans with weakened minds and is more of a suggestion rather than full control over their bodies. Likewise, Raph suffers from chronic migraine, and if he is put in a place without any form of light, he will becoming weaker and weaker and can eventually even die without it. [b]Identification:[/b] Due to his fae genes, Raph is quite short, barely making it above five feet. He has a very feminine face, with wide beautiful auburn eyes surrounded with thick black-brown eyelashes as well as thin golden eyebrows to match his groomed straight medium length hair. He has a thin nose and thick lips, always seen with some sort of layers of roped bracelets and ear piercings at random. Raph is usually seen in a [url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/7f/93/b5/7f93b59f07f3cd5b0878576cabaa8dff.jpg]long green jacket[/url] with a white sleeveless undershirt, black skinny jeans and black converse. He is often chewing gum or has a lollipop in his mouth, generally appearing unamused. [b]Personality:[/b] Raph isn’t the most talkative of kids, in fact he usually keeps to himself. He’s quite sarcastic and judge mental, someone easily annoyed by others. He usually doesn’t get his work done and if he does he does it at his own pace when he wants to, often getting distracted easily by minut details. Raph can be temperamental and aggressive if you pester him too much, but he never looks to hurt anyone. Underneath it all he’s not a bad kid, he’s just not friendly. Raph is frightened by the prospect of getting close to anyone, and will do his utmost to push people away so he doesn’t become attached. He’s lonely, but he demands that it is what is best for him and says he simply wants to be left alone. [b]Backstory:[/b] As mentioned previously, Raph is a changeling. The true Offgood son was swapped with him at birth, allowing Raph to grow up in a well off human home. He grew up his entire life believing he was human, though he detested the luxurious lifestyle he was in. The children at his school avoided him and talked behind his back, causing the outcasted little Raph to act out with thievery and fighting a particular student. He was homeschooled from then on, constantly watched over and forced to meet unfair expectations. Ralph was not given a childhood, he could not play and had no friends, only studying of how to become more like his successful ‘father.’ Recently, his fae mother returned to collect him as his powers emerged (in the form of him severely injuring his abusive instructor) but Raph was furious at her for giving him away. He exclaimed she never truly cared about him, and would never go back to the Seelie court with her. Raph ran away from home, and stumbled upon the academy, where he took up residency. Originally, Raph was just a squatter that they repeatedly tried to drive away, but once they found it useless and saw how well adept he was with his powers, they enrolled him as a new student.[/hider] [sub][sub]Note: this is a living form, meaning more information will be added as it is revealed in the rp.[/sub][/sub]