Axle finally found the orphanage that he only heard rumors about while constantly being transfered from different orphanages. He has heard that is was a place for those with unexplainable abilities which could be a place for him. The place where he might be able to make a friend, something he has never had before in his life. But getting here at this point was so hard for him since the weather was always sunny. It was worth the journey since it looks like he can finally relax in an environment that is more suited for him, especially inside the orphanage. Also hoped for good air conditioning since other orphanages weren't that cool as he'd like. Axle quickly ran into the shadow that the building was causing to cool off a bit since he could feel himself become a little bit slimy(it's like how someone would sweat on a hot sunny). He climbed the steps and examined the front door of the building and thought about the hard work he did to get here. With his thoughts collected he walked through the door and received the letter from the benefactor. There is a huge smile on his face as he read the words of the letter while walking down the hallway. He was also glad that this orphanage had air conditioning as well.