[h2]Bathhouse - The Docks[/h2] [color=#9ec9cf]"Now is fine,"[/color] Ryker said, beckoning the young boy to come closer. He stood up, the water quickly dripping off of his scarred, muscular figure. He grabbed the towel and patted his face dry. Stepping out of the pool, he wrapped it around his waste and wrung out his hair. He walked over to his clothing and pick up each piece and brought it inside with him. He went back into the dressing room and finished drying off before putting his clothing on. It was still quite damp but he only had to wear it back to the inn. He grabbed his leather armor and slung his sword onto his back. He walked back out front and laid a a handful of copper Shards on the counter before exiting the establishment. He made his way back to the inn he had been staying in, the rain noticeably softer, the sounds of the dock still very much ringing through the streets. When he got back to the inn, he noticed another patron sitting at the lone table, drinking out of a large mug with the owner. He shot them a quick glance before continuing to his room. They were clearly deep in conversation and paid him no mind. He closed the door behind him and laid down his leather. He took his sword off his back, unbuckled his belt, and carefully leaned his weapons up against the wall. He stripped down again and laid his clothes out to finish drying. He redressed with a simple tunic and trousers. He pulled his boots back on and once again strapped his sword to his back. As valuable as Oblivion was, he didn't trust it in this lowly inn by itself. Emerging out of his room, he noticed the two at the table had suddenly stopped talking. He looked over and the guest was staring at him intently, a look of intensity in his eyes. Ryker stopped right outside his door, and stared back. The innkeep seemed completely oblivious. His body stiffened. He didn't know this man, he didn't know what he wanted. They stared for what seemed like an eternity before the man finally smiled softly and turned back to the innkeep, and continued their previous conversation. Ryker paused, taking in what had just happened. Still not quite sure, he slower stepped towards the door. He left the building, pausing again, his eyebrows furrowed. Something wasn't right but he wasn't going to start a fight over a stare. Shaking it off, he began walking back towards the Delucian district.