[h2]Sir Tyaethe Radistirin[/h2] If Tyaethe was surprised by Klaus's actions, it wasn't in her aggressive ardour; the paladin was intimately familiar with such an assault. Rather, the fact that she was still on her feet after receiving a blow meant to knock her aside and capable of launching the punch--that was entirely unexpected. So unexpected that the punch solidly collided, forcing her to take a step back from the impact. The attempt to bite through her neck less so, as the diminutive paladin dropped her blade and used her remaining good arm to hold Klaus' head at arm's length, grinning. This spar--spur of the moment as it was--had worked out a lot better than she had seen coming. The pair of them had gotten the idea of what they needed to do down, if not the execution, and shown far more spirit than too many she'd fought or served with. "A damaged arm for two mortal blows. I think the victor is clear, though you show a lot of potential."