Jedediah stroked his chin whiskers at the joke. It was clever enough to pass cowboy standard,considering about half his crew didn't know the difference between a quip and a knock-knock joke. He gave a small grin at his partners aim. "Well, well. You never fail to impress there Annie. Might fine shot you are." Jedediah said casually, "I might be humbled enough to say that you might be outta my league. Still-" he suddenly jerked his pistol in the direction of the target, firing in that same split second. After a ear-splitting sound, the can was out of sight. "I'd say with my quick-draw skills this competition's still wortha--'shot'." He gave a toothy grin, full of surprisingly white teeth. Courtesy of being made of wax, and not having to worry about brushing in the first place. He then took a step back, waiting for her next pun, and her next turn. Doubtless he'd lose to her, but he figured he'd humor her. But if he was lucky, the boys wouldn't speak of it for too long. - "Quite aware my liege." Markus confirmed, nodding his head as he studied the map. Something about it made him wonder if there was much room for the lands beyond. He was about to bring it up, only he decided it wasn't worth it. Markus instead decided that'd he'd be more suited preparing for the briefing of his life on how Rome was the greatest nation around, that he'd be expected to do better, and that there was a new plan in the works. Go figure, but that was his life in a nut-shell. "What shall be done sir?" He asked, before a voice cam from behind. "What shall be done," her voice was full of slight irritation, "Is an appropriate explanation as to why I wasn't permitted on the battlefield!" Markus turned around to see none other than Augustus's daughter. She was clad in her roman armor, which was graciously detailed, (mdespite her protests) and her gear still had a small remainder of the most genuine quality in the entire roman battalion. No doubt courtesy of her father. Nonetheless, Markus knew better than to take her for granted. Still, now that the jet-hair-colored amazon-like warrior had entered the area, there was about to be the grilling of four life times. The good news was it made things more interesting. "I believe we didn't want the enemy too intimidated. After all, the army shouts twice as loud when you're in it." Markus shrugged, causing her to give him an eye glance. "Not now Markus."