WIP [hider=My Hider] [Center] [h2] Takumi Nikaido [/h2] [Img] https://img00.deviantart.net/7702/i/2015/156/1/b/tokyo_ghoul_oc_by_asking_avi-d8w5b8i.png[/img][/center] [B] Name:[/b] Takumi Nikaido [B] Alias:[/b] Magpie [B] Faction:[/b] Ghoul [B] Age:[/b] 16 [B] Personality:[/b] Takumi is carefree and relax young individual who lives in the street with their sister. Tho they are friendly toward people, they normally want to stay in the shadow. [B] Appearance:[/b] Takumi height 5'9 and weight 160 ibs with ash gray hair and dark brown eyes, Takumi is also pale, lean and slim. Their kagune is a ukaku, which some say it resembles a hand or a magpie wing. Their mask is a old fashion plague mask. [B] History:[/b] What has your character done up through now? Feel free to gloss over younger ages, unless you're under 18. Detail out your last several years, with the most detail in regards to the last year. [B] Skills:[/b] What are you good at? Weapon use, tactics, great at diffusing a situation, cooking? Anything that's above average that you feel needs noted goes here. [List] [*] Hand-To-Hand combat [*] agility [*] [/List] [B] Equipment:[/b] their phone, a knife and their backpack if they find something interesting in the street [/hider]