[b]Appearance of Weapon:[/b] Ryusei appears to be a massive sword at first glance, with a silver white blade split down the middle and a very large and complex looking crossguard in dull gold and dark red. The blade is straight and approximately five feet long by itself with the rest of the weapon adding another two feet to its total length. The handle forms a rough T shape with each of the three ends being hollow tubes. A large simple diamond shaped block connects the handle, crossguard, blade, and various other systems. [b]Name of Weapon:[/b] Ryusei [b]Type of Weapon:[/b] Multipurpose, roughly classified as a combination heavy melee/cannon [b]Description:[/b] Ryusei is a very useful but very expensive weapon. It is also easy to use but difficult to master. At first glance it appears to be a giant sword with a magnetic cannon built into the blade. Ryusei does serve as either but it is primarily a weapon that enhances mobility in combat. Each end of the crossguard and handle fire bursts of vector thrust using fire Dust crystals, one crystal for each thruster. Depleted crystals can be ejected and replaced easily. Two rotating smaller thrusters powered by a single fire crystal usually stay pointed forward. Eight pivoting grappling hook launchers, four to each side, can aim straight out to either side, forward, backward, or diagonally. The hooks are serrated blades that open to hook into an object or target and close to be retracted by the metal cable connecting it to Ryusei's core. Each cable is an impressive 60ft long for its thickness and can support the weight of the weapon and its user easily without snapping. The hooks can also pull targets that aren't too large into melee range. The cannon functions almost entirely on a complex system reliant on gravity Dust. The 'barrel' is between the separated parts of the blade and both spins and accelerates an object between the blades for a brief moment after the cannon is fired. Though any hard object could be used as ammunition in an emergency the cannon works best with the metal spikes designed specifically for it. These spikes are fed into the launcher via cylinder usually but a single round can be loaded by hand into a gravity field that holds it in place prior to firing. When the trigger is pulled a powerful burst of gravity shoots the projectile into the 'barrel' which adds even more velocity. Most of the weapon is infused with gravity Dust for the simple purpose of making Ryusri lightweight for easy use. The quality of the materials used to make Ryusei, the complexity of some of its parts, and the amount of gravity Dust used make the weapon especially expensive to manufacture. So far only one prototype exists. (Apologies, this is a very rough description of the weapon, kinda poorly written and a lot of important details are left out. But that's what I get for trying to do this last minute :P)