[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/a6RYmyh.png[/img] [b]Physical Education[/b][/center] [@Krayzikk] Life has a funny way of timing things, I find. I'd just gotten settled into "my" de-facto spot, as it so often is in classes that lacked predetermined seating arrangements, and had been beginning to think to myself. More specifically, I'd begun to think to myself that, hey, absolutely [i]none[/i] of the familiar faces from classes before were around— At the very least, Lauren had definitely switched on me. Would I be stuck on my lonesome the whole time? On one hand, I could focus entirely on my own work without inevitably getting sucked into goofing off, true, but on the other, I was down both a reliable spotter and an irreplaceable hype man for the hard lifts... [color=00aeef]"Hey, man."[/color] And then he'd appeared. The finest son of Redwood, Shiroyama's oldest ally and fiercest enemy. The master of smithery, strategy, and swordplay in one scruffy, solid package. The unbreakable shield and unstoppable blade of the Bastille. The mighty anchor that held them all in one solid, stable place, gathered around his impalacably, undeniably [i]heroic[/i] form. An inspiration. A comrade. An ideal to strive towards. The kind of man I should be myself, kiddo. [b]"Ah, hey."[/b] [i]O Captain, [color=a187be]My Captain...[/color][/i] ...Hm. Hold on a sec. Actually. Now that I think about it, maybe too much of Lauren's influence is worming its way into my head after all. I'm sorry, Eb-Onee-sama, but this might end up being a prudent decision for the both of us, assuming you've really switched classes. I wish you all the best in your endeavors. I'll pick heavy things up and put them down in your honor, if not by your command. Do your best out there! [color=00aeef]"Good to see ya."[/color] [b]"Same to you, man."[/b] I replied cordially, eyeing his half-soaked frame. It wasn't altogether uncommon a sight from those (un) fortunate souls who had decided to take Grimm Studies, coming back from it looking as though they'd ran a marathon or gotten into a water balloon brawl. Honestly, Professor Port really didn't seem like he knew how to hold back... Hands-on lessons involving Grimm had to be like that, though, I supposed. Surely it wasn't any worse than a Manticore... [b]"Have things been insanely hectic for you too, by any chance? I mean, come to think of it... We haven't really gotten the chance to catch up since the mission, have we?"[/b] And with all the commotion between cruises, families, and teammate switches upon teammate switches, that alone felt like it was months ago... I was going to be an old man by the time I graduated, if we were in for four years of this.