[hider=Angry Bastard] [center][h2]Aaron[/h2][/center] [hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/qFLWns4.jpg[/img][/center] [center][i]"Yeah 'cause why not, right?!"[/i][/center] [hr] Age: 25 Gender: Male Height: 6'3" Build: Slim & Athletic Personality: At first, Aaron doesn't appear to be the kind of person you'd want as a friend. He is almost always angry or complaining about something, his attitude towards others can range from amicable to standoffish depending on how he feels about them. But in truth, Aaron can be a great friend to have. His loyalty to them is almost unbreakable, willing to go to great lengths to help them. His problems are theirs and anyone who tries to hurt his friends will recieve nothing but hatred from him. As for life in general he has a rather bleak view of the world. In his eyes, people are terrible and given the right circumstances everyone is capable of evil, even himself. While his general demeanor can be depressed or angry he is capabale of showing happiness and even laughter but that's for special occasions. Speaking of laughter, his sense of humor is a bit strange. If you're looking to make him laugh, you need to say something really demented for him to let out more than a slight chuckle. Background: Life in the big city can be challenging, especially being born into an immigrant family. From a young age Aaron saw how people caan act out of desperation and selfishness. From gang activity to just people being shitty to eachother, he's seen pretty much everything you could see from living in a big city. As time went on life in the city got to him, eventually making him into the person he is today for better or worse. The only escape he really had from reality were video games, his first game was a fantasy rpg and he loved it. While he explored the various genres he could never say no to a great fantasy rpg and that's what brought him to SAO. He'd been playing around with VRMMOs but it was the announcement of SAO that got his attention. An entire fantasy world in VR? He knew from the moment he heard about it that he'd have trouble leaving this game. [hr] Character class: Warrior Level: 1 Weapon: Sword & Chain Blade Ingame skills:[list] [*]Sweep [*]Rend [*]Untouched [/list] [/hider]