Ashley whipped her head around, infuriated that a [i]guy[/i] would dare approach her and rudely interrupt her conversation. She balled her fists and lifted her chin, making eye contact. "How dare you!" Ashley began raising her voice. "I don't know who you think you are, but you'd better back up quick! It's was quite obvious that I was in a conversation, a conversation that didn't include you," She harshly poked him in the chest, her eyes narrowed as she stared him down. "It's quite sad that you didn't realize that," she said, turning back to Lalisa. "And yes, all guys are lesser to us, they're just the dirt we walk on. If you need an example-" Ashley began pointing around the room, at every male person, including the one she was talking to. She also pointed to to guys which one of them had his arm over the other. "See? They pretend to care for each other, only to betray them in the end," she then grabbed the cookie out of Lalisa's hand and threw it across the room. "And no, he doesn't get that cookie," she crossed her arms, still furious.