As more and more odd figures filed in, Ricardo made certain to greet every one of them with the utmost respect, despite his inner aversion to most of them. It was certainly an unsavory group, but they were vital to the meeting none the less and he could no more deny that than deny that he had his work cut out for him in this meeting. Walter was here, and that was certainly a plus as when it came to Allies that was probably the closest Ricardo had at all. At least both of them had the common goal of a stronger economy although he would have to be absolutely mental to ignore the fact that the man had ulterior motives. What those motives could have been however... that certainly remained to be seen. Then there was the new girl he had yet to see, some red-headed lass who seemed to have a bit too much ego going on in her head. Frankly he couldn't really be bothered with her, especially since her focus immediately shifted to Twilight which instantly let him know she was no friend of his. No sane person would look at a man like him and seem... enthusiastic. Amongst these there were several other figures, all somewhat unknown or vaguely important but the point was they were all here. Officially, it meant the meeting could be underway and so Ricardo cleared his throat and called all attention to him with as simple as a motion of holding up one hand. "I want to thank you all for coming." He started, his voices bravado echoing throughout the crowded warehouse. "I know you already know why you're here. Obviously, the-" "The Order sent someone to spy on us." Twilight cut in with a rather uninterested shrug. "We all know it. I hope you have a plan of retaliation?" This instantly caused Ricardo's eyes to narrow as he sucked in a quick breath. Leave it to the monster to start attacking without taking a moment to think. "No. We don't know if that was the case, and that's why I've called this meeting. So we can all discover what we want to do about this together."