[color=red][center][h1]Spencer[/h1][/center][/color] [center]A.k.a[/center] [center][h2]Atomic Survivor[/h2][/center] [center]honestly it’s a bit of an embarrassing name now that I have had to clear up so many times the story[/center] [center][img]https://preview.ibb.co/jM7SYw/as3.jpg[/img][/center] Age: 29 Gender: Male Occupation: Courier Sexuality: Do you think this is what I fill my time with? Deathclaws try to rip my face off. Mutants want to make me into stew. And you’re asking me who I like to bed. Is that really that important? I guess ladies. If an answer is expected. I like ladies. Nationality: Is there a nationality? The world sort of exploded and I see a lot of the same people. Wastelanders. Race: Human Karma: Neutral - Look I am not a hero. I am not here to go rescue some folks, but I will if I have to. But I have no desire to go raiding either. Being a Raider seems like a faster way of getting shot and I am not really in the business of getting shot. Faction Allegiance: Couriers Militia Coalition Knight Dawn always told me he was leaving the Brotherhood to make the Wasteland a better place. I always just thought he was joking or wasn’t really serious. Until I heard whispers from every corner of the Wasteland. Something about the Couriers beginning a group. Run by a former Knight of the Brotherhood. Dawn had really done it. He began to train those who were Couriers or wanted to be Courier how to fight using all the training he had acquired in the Brotherhood to teach the Couriers how to defend themselves. Color me surprised when one day he shows up while I am scouting. And he just smiles like he hadn’t left. He ask, aren’t you tired of this already? The Wasteland looks vastly different from down here then in the Brotherhood. He tells me. What did he expect me to do? A Senior Scribe, as a Courier? What did he think he was going to achieve with his idealism? Then again weren’t all the factions in some sense someone’s idealism. We deserted the Brotherhood. In hopes or in belief we were providing a new service to the Wasteland. A safer service. [hider= Don't Let the Duct Tape Fool You][center][img]https://image.ibb.co/mNBMtw/as.jpg[/img][/center][/hider] [center][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8YR0E1EbtxA[/youtube][/center] Many are rather intimidated by the man whose face is obscured to them most of the time. Especially since he wanders in the shadows more often than the irradiated sun. No one is for sure why he obscures his face with the gas mask. It could be a fashion statement, all though what an odd choice, or it could be that he is concealing himself so someone will not find him. Or maybe it’s because former Knight Captain Dawn tends to put him into tougher positions than others do. He’ll say something like, those guys are former farmers or former Wastelanders without our background. Just do this. Go into that irradiated, atomic infested building and deliver this holotape. Because that sounds exactly like the vacation he wants. So who is the man behind the mask. Behind the myth created by rumors. [center][img]https://image.ibb.co/hPX70b/Ash_Palmer.jpg[/img][/center] Really just some ordinary guy sporting a crew cut and tan skin. He doesn’t even seem near as intimidating as his clothing would make him out to seem. Nor does his height, standing at 5’7” he’s short and compact. But lean and fit. His voice is a lot lighter than you were expecting. Appealing to the ear, with a silvery smoky quality. It’s just the right amount of appealing hoarseness that gives him an attractive quality in this world. The way he pronounces words and speaks makes you really want to take his advice and listen to his orders. Despite his short stature and leanness in body. Skills: Small Guns - he’s known for having a deadly shot with his sniper rifle. Some people who like to blow things way out of proportion say he has the eyes of an eagle. Sneak - he’s rarely heard or seen. The only reason he made it through the feral ghoul infested building was because of his capable skills. Science - sometimes the best way in is through a computer. And he rather not be spotted or shot at by a machine gun. Lockpick - and sometimes the best way through a lock door undetected is with a bobby pin History: I don’t necessarily like talking about my past. I am not sure if it’s regret or shame or if it’s some reflection of an incomplete self. I feel like an incomplete person when I talk about the person I was compared to the person I am today. But could it be entirely my fault I wonder? Or if Dawn is right and I beat myself up too much. Before working in the CMC, I was a former Senior Scribe in the Brotherhood. And going from Senior Scribe to Courier is a wide stretch, but I was a product of my times. See I was born into the Brotherhood. I don’t know if that makes people feel sorry for me or ashamed of me. My parents met on the ship, my mother was a lead scientist and my father was some Power Armor wielding Knight. And here I was a product of the newest future. The future in the Wasteland. The future as a Wastelander, well not really. We were taught how to shoot. We were told that Mutants and Raiders were blighted diseases on the very Wasteland itself. My father taught me how to see through a scope. My mother taught me things about science. And Dawn was a teenager by the time I was a toddler. He was a peer. We were both Squires. But our talents were filtered and screened. I was told I’d do better learning how to do Scribe work. So I shadowed other scribes. For many years. I was told what we were looking for. Why we were looking for it? And our objective. To wipe away the disease that was the others from the Wasteland. Anyone who got in our way, kill on sight. Dawn described a very different life than the other Scribes or Knights. He described the loneliness he felt. He described the hardships of the Wasteland. I think eh felt disgusted in himself before I ever did. And I still don’t even know if I feel disgusted in myself or not. If I regret or are ashamed of my previous actions or not. To kill innocent folks because we were told they were bad people. Was I misguided? Was I blinded? Was I just young? I don’t really know how to answer those questions really. In my late teens Dawn starts to act weird. And other Knights are starting to question his loyalty into the brotherhood. I remember him talking about people in the Wasteland not being able to defend themselves. I remember him discussing some things he really shouldn’t have. It never came to anyone’s surprise when he ran off and disappeared. He told me he was going to make the Wasteland a better and more productive place. He told me before he left that he was going to provide a service for the Wasteland. I didn’t know at the time what that meant. Till I was in my early twenties and I started to hear about the CMC. Courier Militia Coalition. It didn’t sound anything like Dawn’s work. But his name was attached and associated with the rumors flying from people’s lips. To go from a soldier. To someone sending messages. At the time I didn’t get it. I supposed I do now, being what I am, doing what I am. One day I find myself looking for old tech. I liked the missions where I could go out of the field. Anyway I could avoid being stuck at a desk in the Brotherhood the better. And Dawn comes up. He doesn’t sneak, he’s never been really quiet as an individual. And he seems happy to see me. I wasn’t sure if I was overjoyed to see him or annoyed to see him. I mean I am here now in the CMC, but they were very close to what I was feeling. He starts telling me about how couriers were found dead with undelivered messages and the importance of the Wasteland for people to receive those messages. He told me about the Capital Wasteland history of mail. To me it sounded like he had lost his mind. Except that he was being entirely serious. He ask me out of the blue to dump the Brotherhood and help him run the CMC. I was the only one who knew how to navigate the Wasteland without being caught. That I was the very person he was looking for when it came to the actual talent. That these people looking to serve mail, not just old mail, but new mail needed me. I’m not sure if I really bought his words. I still don’t think I joined or fled the Brotherhood because he wanted me to. I think I did it because I was bored. Or because I was looking for something that completed me as an individual. When Kill first and No Questions becomes policy. It becomes stifling. Especially when you’re often an intellectual individual who questions the curiosities of the world. To not question the world that science teaches you to question, it becomes imprisoning. So that’s how I came to be what I am. A glorified heroic courier who probably doesn’t deserve the heroism. But delivering messages gives me the opportunity to meet new people. And know people. I do agree that being able to contact someone far away in a world that is out to kill you is a nice feeling for them. I am not sure if the CMC was the right answer. It makes us sound like we’re another group of soldiers looking for our own future of this land. When reality is we just wanted to keep other couriers safe on their dangerous quest to deliver messages to someone who may be dead or alive. Equipment: Sniper Rifle, 10mm Handgun,bobby pins and a combat knife