Kiera seethed towards the darkness. She left the planning to cooler heads, and was unsurprised to hear the half-breed take some form of command. She obviously shared the cold nature of her cursed kin though Kiera wasn't going to begrudge her in this situation. Suddenly the vampire stopped talking suddenly, and... There! Eyes in the darkness, the creature's eyes were much more used to dark and so she spotted them first. With a gesture Kiera thrust her torch forward and moved to the fore to illuminate the creatures for the team. Goblins! No doubt as desperate as they were disparate in comparison to those they had hoped to ambush. Merely armoured in rags and armed with whatever sharpened piece of scrap they could find they posed next to no threat. One had already began to flee as the light approached them fully, another coward before the might of Borealis. Unfortunately many of the others had scattered around the party, and it looked like it would be one for one, [i]Foolish creature's normally have more sense than this[/i] the Paladin thought to herself, maybe the place they were in had driven them beyond sense One creature threw it's weapon at the target it made least sense to do so in Kiera's mind, herself! Her martial training kicked in, and she raised herself to her full height so that the weapon may glance off of her armour, since she wasn't holding her shield, and charged towards the fool creature in one motion.