Insomnia had always been a bit of an issue for Rei. She was pretty sure something about her weird physiology had shorted out her body clock, because she rarely found herself getting a good night's sleep. Being in a situation that was was still pretty dubious about wasn't really helping with that. What sleep the mutant had managed to get was abruptly brought to an end when she was alerted to footsteps on the floorboards, and awoke to two bright red eyes inches from her face. She tumbled into a sitting position against the opposite wall with a yelp. [color=a2d39c]"HOLY SH- Hel don't do that!" [/color] Whilst the teenager's reaction was one of alarm, the younger's expression was one of distinct impassivity. The girl stood there, already fully dressed in a green hoodie, leggings and red tennis shoes. Unlaced, Rei noticed. Possibly a pint-sized genius, though still not sure how to tie her shoes. Wonderful. [color=f6989d]"It's morning."[/color] Hel stated. [color=a2d39c]"I noticed. Kinda occupied right now pipsqueak. Don't you wanna go bother a responsible adult?"[/color] [color=f6989d]"No."[/color] [color=c4df9b]"Or find someone closer to your own age to play with?"[/color] [color=f6989d]"No."[/color] [color=a2d39c]"Is there anything I can say that will get you to go away and stop staring at me like you're trying to eat my soul?"[/color] [color=f6989d]"No."[/color] [color=a2d39c]"Right, guess I'm up then."[/color] A few moments later the form of Rei sloped out of her room with Hel at her heels. Whilst her young companion appeared to have been intent to dress for the occasion, Rei was a lot less concerned in that regard, and was still wearing the garments that made up her pyjamas,a pair of shorts and faded, oversized T-shirt depicting the album cover of some death metal band. Her long, silvery hair hung in thick fronds down to her lower back and she walked around with all the good posture of a swamp monster. She didn't really have that much concern about running into other residents in her pyjamas. It was one advantage of having an ability so inherently abhorrent and disgusting as fleshcraft, that really there was very little you could do to lower yourself in someone's estimation. She figured if someone was put off by her with uncombed hair then they stood no chance of speaking to her ever again once they watched her bleed bright green ichor instead of blood. Now she was out though, where exactly were they going? Hel was, apparently, following her, and attempting to ask the kid any questions was a bit like trying to get blood out a stone. One word answers. Vagueness. Or just no response whatsoever. What should people do in the morning? Eat breakfast she guessed would make sense. [color=c4df9b]"Okay, well, unless you got anything to say about it we're gonna go find some food. Speak now or forever hold your peace or whatever."[/color] Hopefully it was already getting taken care of, however it worked. Otherwise it was going to be cereal or a granola bar for a kid. Would be a little bit counter-intuitive to save some kid from the streets and then kill her with food poisoning.