[@Sickle-cell] I'd be up for LoL at some point also I made a cape [hider=Seth “Vice“ Lynch ] [b]Name:[/b] Seth Lynch [b]Cape Name:[/b] Vice [b]Theme Song:[/b] [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fBfD1-aOiwI[/url] [hider=appearance][img]https://i.imgur.com/AA3e4Tl.jpg[/img] below the mask, Seth is a scruffy 19 year old who could really do with a bath [/hider] [h2]Aspects[/h2] [b]High Concept:[/b] Devil on your shoulder [b]Trouble:[/b] They whisper and scheme behind your back [b]Origin:[/b] Sorry kid, but your parents are supervillains [b]Growth:[/b] Your imaginary friends are bad role models [b]Adventure:[/b] Fight the law so we’ll grow strong [h2]Bio[/h2] [b]Personality:[/b] A rather selfish anarchist egged on by his backseat driving demons, Seth has grown to hate authority and bakes to have anyone tell him what to do. This is somewhat ironic, considering the 3 creatures on his back guiding his actions and decisions. Despite his ambitions to become more powerful and get revenge on the Ps he is ultimately rather lazy and needs often needs to be goaded into action by his demons. They are quite the snarky asshole and because they are a master, in combat they get a lot of chances to taunt, insult and mock their opponents while the Devil’s do the real cap business. [b]History:[/b] Seth is a second generation cape, born the child of a pair of international thieves at the height of their careers. While they often left him to go out to engage in their villainous exploits, his parents made sure their child grew up in the lap of luxury, funded through their stolen wealth. They’d break into a vault, get chased around by the local heros and even if one got caught the other would inevitably break their partner out of prison and then the two would disappear with their ill gotten gains. Eventually however, when Seth was 8, the law caught up with both of them at once. They were tried and sent to the bird cage, the most maximum of maximum security prisons from which no-one has ever escaped. A few days later the people his parents had payed to look after Seth handed the boy over to the authorities and he ended up in the american foster system. At some point in the next few years the stress and confusion experienced from having his parents taken away triggered the boy, but it wasn't until he was 11 that he recognised that his imaginary friends he was using to deal with his loneliness where more real than he thought as 3 of them became dominant and managed to physically manifest themselves. They were the petty and spiteful Envy who was fueled by his desire to get back at the PTR for taking his parents away as well as their envy of their power, the scheming and selfish Avarice, sourced from the desire for the life this parents had let him live and the quiet and relaxed Sloth, who was Seth’s respite from the other two’s permanent goading to action. At 16 the 3 had finally grown powerful enough that Envy and Greed convinces Seth to run away from his latest foster family and make his own way in the world. Over the next few years Seth graduated from pickpocketing and vandalism to being a minor thorn in the protectorate/P.T.Rs side, showing up out of nowhere during their operations, causing a nuisance and then vanishing again. That said, following his parent’s example, he is yet to actually kill anyone who wasn’t trying to kill him first(though he has done plenty of maiming) and as a result has managed to avoid being actively hunted across the states as he slowly grows his friends power. Their cross country meandering has brought Seth and his demons to Boston, where they hope that they can take advantage of the chaos, both for profit and to fuck over the Protectorate some more. [h2]Abilities[/h2] Master 6 Seth has 3 entities, demonic in appearance and mannerism, at his beck and call. These can be summoned at any time to aid him with their own powers, simply by saying their name/nickname. The strength of these beings has been growing steadily over time as Seth indulges in their respective vices. They cannot be killed, but if sufficiently damaged they will unsummon themselves to recover from their wounds (they generally take a day to recover). There's only two big problems with them: their incessant chittering even when not summoned and the fact that they can't move from behind his back. The three demons are as follows, helpfully modeled by satanic mooks. [hider=Envy/Spite: Stranger 2, Blaster 3][img]https://i.imgur.com/podJSy9.jpg[/img] Consisting of a masked, 4 eyed being whose body is a cloak from which glowing red eyes(one for each act of revenge or spite) lookout with envy at a the world, Spite wields a massive bow and can conjure spear sized arrows from it’s cloak. The being also has a more passive summoning where it appears simply as it’s cloak and hood, draped across Seth and granting him the ability to blend in with crowds. It allowing him to blend in with groups without anyone being able to pick him out from said group even if they are actively looking for him, though this only works if he breaks line of sight with anyone hunting him. He can be detected by people who can actively recognise every other member of a group as someone they know. Basically, if a person thinks of the people with them as something like ”Bob, Jeremy, Sabrina and… wait, who's that guy?”, then he can't blend in. If the group is “my staff”, “a crowd of panicked civilians”, “some of my henchmen” etc. then he can fit right in ant will be completely ignored by the group and anyone inspecting the group. He isn’t invisible, but the eyes of an onlooker will simply glide past him, unable to focus or recognize Seth’s presence, though those trained to deal with Strangers might be able to recognise this fact if Seth takes up too much of their vision. Both Seth and Envy think Spite is a better name than Envy, because there is clearly nothing and nobody they should be envious of. Unsurprisingly they are a petty asshole who has a particular hatred of anyone or thing that does their “thing” and is more powerful than they are such as Vector(bows) or Leviathan(described as a demon of envy in christian scripture). [/hider] [hider=Greed/Avarice/Scratch: Master/Shaker 4] [img]https://i.imgur.com/aF8Om8D.jpg[/img] The tallest of the three, this faceless golden creature has grown ever more resplendent as Seth acquires wealth, though It doesn't really matter if he really holds onto it after it is acquired. They can create small golden coins of an unknown currency at a fairly rapid rate (about 6 coins a second) and can telekinetically manipulate any form of money within a 6 M radius of themselves, using it as projectiles, barriers, whips, etc in combat, simply stealing it from others or using it as a mode of transport if there's enough of it. The more coins they are controlling the less fine control they have, they could make single small dexterous hand of coins, but not a full person and at the greatest amounts they are restricted to “waves” of money briefly sloshing in the desired direction. As is to be expected of a devil’s coin, the money it creates will vanish come the next sunrise. Greed has delusions of grandeur and insists on being called Avarice instead of Greed. Spite and sometimes Seth call him Scratch just to piss them off. Affluent and manipulative, Greed is a perfect gentleman that will screw someone over for a single penny. [/hider] [hider=Sloth: Brute 4, Master 4] [img]https://i.imgur.com/63R7chs.jpg[/img] A hulking brute of flesh and chitin, sloth is the biggest of the three and features two massive resilient shield like growths on its thick arms and on it’s face that are covered in blank red crystalline eyes. Strong and capable of taking a beating, sloth however is noticeably heavy compared to it’s peers, making moving around difficult for Seth while they are summoned. Sloth is also capable of summoning the other two demons to do it’s fighting for it, having them appear behind its own shoulders instead of behind Seth’s back. This however makes moving basicly impossible for Seth due to the added load, converting the entire party into a stationary bastion. Sloth is to lazy to remember any nicknames they get. Sloth relatively rarely speaks and is content to go with the flow most of the time, though they will sometimes butt in to temper the ambitions of the others. That said, Sloth’s devilry is more insidious than the other two, if sloth had its way then Seth would spend most of his time engaging in frivolous distractions, and it is no coincidence that Sloth is the biggest of the 3. [/hider] The other 4 vices do exist, but are ruthlessly suppressed by Greed and Envy. They consider Lust and Gluttony disruptive to their ambitions as they would appeal to Seth’s hedonism (sloth is already bad enough) and they believe Pride and Wrath would drive their host to suicidally reckless actions. Seth isn’t actively aware of this particular state of affairs and the pair intend to keep it that way. [/hider]