[@NarcissisticPotato][@Polaris North][@Dnafein][@Joker892][@Poi][@FortunesFaded][@Wick][@ReusableSword][@DeadDrop] The Teamsters are Having a Getaknow Sammy and Candy are cooking a couple of goats and a brace of Rabbits scared up by the dogs while you lot cleaned out the houses. Petra has even freed up the sugar for fried tarts of Jam It's a bring your own but drinking controlled so the Bosslady doesn’t shave Petra with a rusty razor Summer will be performing as entertainment and promises to stay clear of the cooking so it should be lots of fun This is so everyone can have a bit of fun because I'll be having the NPCs do the watches, that's what they're for I'm hoping Friday to have things ready for our arrival into Arlington which is the halfway point to our first destination "The Palmer Ranch"