[center][img]https://img00.deviantart.net/a978/i/2014/188/1/a/project_x___military_base_01a_comp_by_ned_rogers-d7poie9.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Ques, Camp Valor (23.241° N, 58.566° E)[/b] [b]0640 hours[/b][hr] The [i]Ark Royal[/i]'s engines blared and whined as the large grey body of the Rigger descended towards the marked clearing. The stubby landing legs extended with a forced motion as the force of the engines roused dust and blew the tufts of trees and blades of grass. The deck of the vessel shuddered as the gear made contact with the uneven ground, and the engines cut swiftly and reduced the noise to the idle whirr of the door beginning to shift. The top of the door retracted first, slowly, and the ramp dropped, slapping the mud. Elias set off first, traversing down the ramp with the light drizzle of rain striking him. He was greeted by a skeleton crew which had already set up and began maintaining the base. A particular Sergeant came to greet him. "Staff Sergeant." Remarked the grizzled supply sergeant, which looked beyond the years of Elias, with greying hair and a full beard. "You boys from Company D?" Inquired Elias, beckoning his men off of the [i]Ark[/i], turning back to see them already unloading the crates of supply. The supply sergeant replied, "Aye. Welcome to Camp Valor. Name's courtesy of the good Colonel himself. Will we be expectin' him or any more of you boys?" Elias retorted. "'Fraid not. We're it for now, at least." The supply sergeant's shook his head. "Well, let's be gettin' ya' unpacked." Elias went ahead, lifting the helmet from his head. In truth, he was exhausted. It had been a long journey, checking into every outpost from the New Republic capital at Chandrila to their new station on Ques. He dragged his feet towards the bunks, and his men began to trickle behind him in a ragged line into the barracks, with the skeleton crew taking the supplies they brought. Elias entered the drab prefabricated structure and made a deliberate walk to his own isolated quarters, upon which he entered, undoing the buckles on his webbing, stringing it about across his wardrobe, and removing his jacket with armored vest, leaving him in his thin white shirt and his slacks fastened by a rigger's belt. He nestled his blaster in its holster near in reach to his bed before collapsing upon the mattress, pulling the field cap he wore over his eyes and drifting off instantly.