As she mentioned pancakes, Axle got excited all of a sudden and couldn't wait to try pancakes, he has never had them before. All the other orphanages he had been to have served nothing but oatmeal and reheated food that taste bland. "Of course I would like some pancakes." He said without stuttering looking so happy and excited, to finally taste something good for a change. And he followed along with Alex to the dinning room to wait for some pancakes. Then Alex was curious about his powers as he created a small fire in his han in front of him. This scared him and caused him to overreact and run out the room. He barged out the door and ran into a girl, who was probably going to get breakfast, which caused him to fall back on his bum [@VitoftheVoid]. "S-soorry about t-that I j-just overreacted a-and got s-scared, p-please forgive m-me." His voice was stuttering again as he could have hurt somebody because his carelessness. He didn't want to continue giving off bad impessions of himself anymore, he can do better. "P-please if t-there is a-anything I c-can do f-for you to m-make it up." He was on his knees and looked up to her pleadingly. There was slime coming off of him a little bit as the heat from just the fire that Alex produced was a little too close for comfort. He probably didn't mean to either, he was just curious what his power was and showed off what he could do. Still there is the matter of hopefully being forgiven for knocking somebody over.