[@DominoPool]Bloodletter pulled out a glass and half filed it with whiskey and asked "want a sin or some blood?" After giving her a drink to her satisfaction, he motioned for the human to come over. [@Eviledd1984] "This is the underworld, kid." he said, "the various pantheons used to fight over it, and no one was happy with having to battle for territory, so Lucifer came up with the idea of everyone sharing it based on the number of souls they had, and most of them agreed. What should have happened when you arrived at the gate was that they would ask you what religion you followed, and you would be handed off to a representative of that religion. Then that representative would figure out where you were supposed to go based on their rules. A couple of times a day someone slips through, though. After all, they have a lot of souls to process." He looked at the woman with a scythe. "You're a Reaper, right? Could you help me explain this, since the front gate dropped the ball and this is kind of Reaper territory?" The gate had a pamphlet they were supposed to give him in his native language, but there was a good chance he didn't get one. Bloodletter only had them in a few ancient languages from before he bought the bar, so unless the kid wanted to read the Old English pamphlet or knew another such language, Bloodletter couldn't help him there.