The group followed Shion through the beach as she led the way. It seemed inconspicuous enough as she led them to one of the still-standing huts, though it was difficult to ignore the rather nasty glares, particularly at the pilot of the Ifrit. Shion ignored them all, simply walking past as she went inside. There wasn't anything too interesting on the inside, either. It was decorated simply, though a desk sat on the other side of the wall, a young woman with boyish short hair studying something from a book. She didn't bother looking up as Shion approached the desk, more interested in what she was reading. "I've been pressing a lot of flowers lately," She sighed, flipping a page through the book. "My favorite has to be the camellia, but I can't remember what page I left it on." "[color=deepskyblue]Try page eighty seven,[/color]" Shion suggested. Flipping the page to the one Shion suggested, a blue flower was pressed. Taking it, she handed it to Shion without looking at her, and went back to her previous page, still reading. "[color=deepskyblue]Even fallen petals have their uses.[/color]" "All you have to do is find it. Welcome back, my lady," The woman said, nodding slightly. "[color=springgreen]What a cute code,[/color]" Emiri commented as they followed Shion to the next room. Shion scowled at her, crushing the pressed flower in her hand as it emitted a blue powder. "[color=deepskyblue]Cute? It's our motto.[/color]" She told her, closing the door as the last of them entered. Grant looked around, noticing the room was entirely empty, and with no way out except the way the had came. He looked to Shion, who shook her head at him, and she would open the door they had come from. Instead of the hut, however, they would see what looked like a [url=]great library[/url]. Books littered the walls from the high ceiling to the ground, the place filled with people. As soon as Shion walked, however, every single eye turned towards the group, a sudden tension thick in the air. Grant found himself hesitating--their numbers were massive--but with a wave of Shion's hand, the tension would dissipate. Each one would bow to her as they walked past. Leading them to a corner of the great hall, Shion approached an absolute mess of books. On the chair sat a [url=]young girl dressed entirely in green[/url], her brown hair in two buns. She was poking what looked like a small lotus flower, a frown on her face, though she would then look up at them. Her brown eyes shined as she noticed Shion, though she quickly shrinked back as she noticed the rest of the group. "[color=deepskyblue]I've returned, Ren,[/color]" Shion greeted the child. "[color=lime]W-Welcome back, Mistress...[/color]" She managed to squeak out a response, shyly looking up. "[color=deepskyblue]Where is Michel?[/color]" "[color=lime]M-Michel...he came back with a viera...they went to Meli's room...[/color]" She told her meekly. "[color=deepskyblue]Thank you.[/color]" The young girl looked nervously at the group, a small blush creeping on her face. Shion sighed. "[color=deepskyblue]Come then. I'll need your ability for proper explanations.[/color]" Shion ordered, turning on her heel. The girl seemed defeated, dragging her feet as she followed her mistress. The pair would lead the group to a larger room with many beds and just as many cabinets. On the farthest side sat Aloa, looking very disinterested in anything, and a rather irritated Meli, who seemed to be in a storm of fury. As they approached, Meli's words could be heard. "[color=yellowgreen]None of my business--if it has anything to do with Michel, it [i]is[/i] my business![/color]" She barked at the viera. "[color=plum]It isn't. You are neither chosen nor ascended.[/color]" Aloa seemed like she had been repeating herself. That was a little mean. Emiri was sympathetic to Meli, though she didn't have the courage to say so. Meli huffed, turning around and crossing her arms, though it was then she noticed the group. She immediately got down on one knee, kneeling before her mistress. "[color=deepskyblue]You've seen better days,[/color]" Shion commented dryly. "[color=plum]I'm slipping in my old age,[/color]" Aloa admitted. "[color=plum]It is done. Though...not without its price.[/color]" Shion sighed once more, shifting her weight from one foot to the other. "[color=deepskyblue]Ren.[/color]" She called out to the girl, who had been frozen in place about ten feet away. She squeaked something inaudible, to which Shion rolled her eyes. "[color=deepskyblue][i]Ren[/i].[/color]" She repeated her name. The girl shuffled awkwardly to the group, stiff as a board. Her expression was one of terror, though she would hold out her flower, its petals glowing gently. A small orb appeared and floated above it, showing the events of Aloa's adventure from her perspective for all to see.