Jenso smirked at Dacer as the gravity increased, despite the fact that he'd just dug his back claws into his chest and a yolt of pain went through him. Now, not only was he caught by his right arm, but he was also stuck to Jenso with his own claws. He'd lost his speed advantage and was stuck, and Jenso had no intention of letting him go. The geyser of flames erupted violently beneath the two, engulfing Dacer within it and leaving serious burn wounds all over his body while it straight up phased through Jenso. As Dacer swiped at him, Jenso quickly reeled his head back and quickly tilted it to the left side side to move it out of the way and to keep his distance from the swipe, and let himself fall over towards the left while using his own increased body's weight along with Dacer's to slam both of them onto the ground and to hopefully get Dacer's swipe to miss by the sudden shift. He made sure not to fall to far to ensure that they remained in the gravity field. [color=f26522]"Keep it up...!!"[/color] He cried out to Oz.