Nakreyya reached her hand up and tapped a few places on her eyepatch. She spoke in a low voice, and a moment later Anzu's fiery footfalls would carry through the halls, as he travelled swiftly through the realms beneath the physical, coming to his mistress. She walked Anzu over to Grug and spoke to her steed, "Kneel down my friend, you must aid our Soothsayer to safety." Anzu shot her a bit of a glower - clearly not pleased at the idea of being a pack mule. She stroked her fingers through his fire hair, and he relented. "Be cautious, Grug, his fire will not burn you, but he is a Nightmare, his presence can be disconcerting if you are not used to riding such a steed. He is quite intelligent however, speak your requests, and I do not recommend spurring him," Nakreyya said before turning her eyes to Fionn. "Fionn, I wish to check this golem... I will catch up swiftly, Anzu is capable of telling you that I am in danger. If he is calm, I am well," Nakreyya said to him. "I shan't dally long. But I am concerned for the fact it moved after we disassembled it." [@Silvan Haven] [@Hekazu]