Shortly after Niryk's departure the Fallen fleet kicked up with a flurry of activity. While most of the fleet was preparing to move again a portion of it was trying to pick up communications from the system they had just fled from and a dedicated group of servitor was sifting through whatever they picked up as well as information from before their retreat. Ephsor had ordered this because, while they awaited word from Niryk, he wanted to learn just a bit more of what they were up against. As information came through a list began to develop of the faction they had encountered, as follows: -The Covenant -Gashathi High Order -Destiny Ascendant(ship, owning faction unknown) -Shadow Star(ship, owning faction unknown, Cindorian?) -Unknown Empire -at least one other unknown faction They had little more that names and an early impression at this point, but that was enough to safely say the Covenant and Gashathi would be enemies, Both factions were quite hostile to whatever wasn't them and seemed ever so slightly on the arrogant side. While the attitude of the Destiny Ascendant couldn't really be determined they had been the first to call for a diplomatic meeting, one Ephsor had dismissed but perhaps that had been a mistake. The Shadow Star was almost entirely unknown, all they had on that one was that it responded to the Ascendants diplomatic call. In light of all this Ephsor ordered off several scout parties with different orders depending on their target. Both the covenant and the Gashathi were to be watched from afar and their activity reported. A scribe was sent with the party sent after the Destiny Ascendant, they were to observe for some time before looking for an opportunity to make contact. The group after the Shadow Star was to learn what they could but not worry about being detect unless the Shadow Star proved openly hostile. Once the parties were away Ephsor leaned back in his throne to await for word from Niryk while one of the Archons, Rhemis, came to stand by his side.