[centre][h2][color=springgreen]Travis[/color][/h2][/centre] Travis took a seat and looked between his fellow ghouls. [color=springgreen]"I guess it's my turn to introduce myself. I'm Travis."[/color] He looked back at the window and sighed. [color=springgreen]"I guess you're right.[/color] Travis scoffed slightly at the mention of the peaceful ghouls. [color=springgreen]"I don't know whether to trust tho rumours or not, if they have proof then fine but until I see it I'm not sold... You are right about the idea tho. Peaceful coexistence would be nice. Not having to worry about an origination founded for the sole purpose of killing you're species. It's a hard thing to deal with, but thanks to binge eaters and the other rif raf the rest of us have to live in fear."[/color] He shook his head and looked out the window [color=springgreen]"I'd like to think we could gather up lots of Ghouls and work together to create a peaceful ward. But who's to say the humans will show us the same curtsy?"[/color] Travis felt like he was being a bummer but he still stood by what he said. As much as he'd love not to look over his shoulder every day or have to put on an act so that his human neighbours didn't fear him or discriminate against him. That wasn't the world they lived in.